Are you ambitious and want financial freedom?

Become a licensed life insurance agent

Apply Now
Accredited Insurance Brokerage
Accredited Insurance Brokerage

Are you ambitious and want financial freedom?

Become a licensed life insurance agent

Apply Today

Work from anywhere


No Salary Cap


Make a Difference

Believe it.

You deserve to love your job.

  • Tired of the 9-5 grind?
  • Are you barely making ends meet?
  • Not hitting your financial goals?
  • Lack of Fulfillment in Work?
  • Want to build something?
  • Don’t want a boss anymore?
Break the mold.

Our team is made up of people just like you.

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Achieve Financial Freedom

Because you work for yourself, you determine your financial potential and there is no cap or limit to what you can earn.

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Build Something You’ll be Proud Of

What you build, you own - seriously! So all the hard work you put into growing your business becomes exclusively yours through contractual ownership.

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Experience Purpose in Your Work

This is a business that is changing generational wealth and building up financial futures for people who haven’t had access to the resources until now.

Licensed with the Top Providers

Mutual of Omaha LogoAIG LogoForesters LogoF&G Annuities & Life LogoSBLI Logo
What makes us different?

We’ll mentor, train, and support you.

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Turnkey System

Proven sales and business building system that has worked for hundreds of people just like you!

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Ongoing mentorship with calls, webinars, and events. One-on-one and group coaching to help and encourage you every step of the way.

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Diverse and proven lead system exclusive to our agents to support and build your business. Qualified leads generated by our nationwide digital marketing efforts.

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Fast track comprehensive training from the insurance industry’s best. No experience required!

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True contractual agency ownership program. Practice one of our core values “We act like owners because we OWN it”

You don’t have to have a background in sales or insurance.
Are you ready?

Join Our Team


Watch the Video

Watch the short 5-minute corporate overview video (above), describing the opportunity in detail.


Schedule Your Initial Interview

After watching the video, schedule your interview to be considered. If we’re a mutual fit, you will move on to attend & watch a business overview.


Final Interview

Participate in a 60 minute call with one of our hiring managers during which you will collaborate on financial goals and learn about team expectations. If we believe we’re still a mutual fit, you will move onto step 4.


Obtain Your License

Complete the steps required by your state in order to become a licensed Life & Health producer. The process typically takes 5-10 days and varies by state. *Total investment for the licensing process is $150-$300 depending on your state.



Initiate the onboarding and training process, begin meeting with clients, protecting families, building your business — and earning an amazing income!

Apply Now
It's ok.

If now is not the right time.